Wednesday, December 28, 2016

渐行渐远的Santa Claus

        又是一年圣诞。自从儿子去年在 Santa 那里讨了说法,已经渐渐不那么依赖这个胖爷爷了。虽然礼物的诱惑还是在,但妈妈有办法给他断奶。


        儿子向来单纯又讲道理,于是平静坦然地接受了妈妈的“规劝”。妹妹说我还没到10岁,还算“更小的孩子”,还要向 Santa 要礼物。于是今年只有她神神秘秘地写了信。以往信都是要妈妈帮忙写,后来是让妈妈过目,确保没有错字。可今年妹妹居然也把信封起来连妈妈都不给看,还差点儿要亲手投进信箱。这还得了?没有 Santa Agent 过目,这礼物怎么送得到呢?偷偷看了她的信,其实没有要什么额外的礼物,只是她特别特别想要一个相机,跟爸爸妈妈提了要求,还怕得不到,就跟Santa要了双保险。要躲着妈妈的唯一原因是和哥哥去年一样的一个问题,“Santa,are you real?”

        显然,Santa 不会寄一封一样的信,鉴于今年太忙,就写了一个删节本,还把接下来的几年铺垫好。明年,估计妹妹也可以断奶了。

Dear Alivia,

Glad to receive your letter again. It has been a great year, my girl!

I can see why you asked for a camera. You have artistic eyes to find beauty around you. You are also nice and kind to help others record their precious moments. I know your daddy already had a plan for the camera so I prepared a bit photographer’s golden tips for you. Hope you will try it out and become a real photographer!  

I also know you are a big fan of Origami this year. I’m sure you will enjoy this instruction book very much!

Last but not least, you asked me the question that all the big kids would eventually ask: “Are you real?”

Tell you a secret, your brother asked the same question last year! Will I give you the same answer? …… No!

You may ask him, or your mom or dad, what answers they have. But no matter what they tell you, the most important is what YOU believe, which has the REAL power.

As I am writing to you today, you can see my words. But one day I may only chat with you in invisible codes or silent voice. Does that mean I disappear? Yes or no. I disappear when you don’t trust me anymore and don’t hear me anymore. But I will always be with you as long as you believe, just like many other precious things held in your heart, love, faith, hope, courage and more. They will be there forever…

Enjoy your 2017!


        收到信,女儿神气活现地读了前一半,因为都是在夸她嘛!后一半小姑娘认为是 Santa 给她的私信,不愿意分享,最后还是在全家人的一再要求之下,消化斟酌了再三,才同意读给大家听。可以理解,这是每个孩子都会有的挣扎,也不知道她明白了多少。

        本来没有打算给儿子写信,但是 Santa 还是心里惦念着,放不下这个懂事的孩子。于是依然在百忙之中手书一封,以表心意,帮他度过没有 Santa 的第一年。

Dear Aidan,

How are you?  I saw your name on and off from the naughty list several times this year. But I’m glad to find it’s scratched off eventually.

I didn’t receive your letter this year. Maybe you have decided you are old enough to move on. Maybe you think you’d better not bother me by asking for gifts. Maybe you are preparing gifts for others…

No matter what, I want you know that I won’t forget you. Although you don’t need gifts from me anymore, my greeting and my holiday spirit can still reach you. Even if one day you don’t hear from me, my best wishes will always be with you.

Merry Christmas! Wish you a wonderful 2017!


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