Thursday, April 20, 2017


       自从大学毕业飘洋过海去上学,和弟弟已经二十年没有好好在一起了。好几年才能回一次家,每次回家只有匆匆几天,他也还要上学上班。这么多年来,我们两个都辗转学校工作,变换居住的城市,结婚生子,等孩子长大 ...... 等一切终于安定下来,转眼小外甥女都要上学了,弟弟全家终于决定趁孩子上学之前到加州来玩儿一趟。两周的时间,不长,但我们终于可以朝夕相处,真真是二十年来奢侈之最。


        为了他来,计划了周围的几个 trip。旧金山金门大桥、斯坦福大学、金门公园、Pier 39 渔人码头、Napa 酒庄(William Hill Estate Winery)Lake Tahoe Emerald BayHomewoods 滑雪场、MontereyCarmel17-mile DriveBig Sur。一起在家做饭、看 NBA比赛、捡复活节彩蛋、飞drome、去 BassPro、还去了 N OutletMarshallsCostco  买东西...... 时间是真的不够用,还有好多想去没来得及去的地方、想做却没来得及做的事、想煮没来得及煮的饭 也好,留下念想,是以后再聚的动力。

在家的早饭皮蛋瘦肉粥 小笼包 葱油饼 crab cakebacon cheese wheel

午饭:打卤面 lasagna In and OutPaneraCostco pizza 

晚饭:salmon sushi + 香煎三文鱼 + 芦笋 + misu 汤、火锅T-bone 牛排 + 烤蘑菇 + 芦笋

Friday, April 7, 2017

Am I Spoiled?

早上,儿子忽然问我,"Mom, do you think I'm spoiled?"


"Why do you ask this question?"

"My friend Michael says he is spoiled."

"Why he said so? How is he spoiled?"

"He said his Dad and Mom bought everything he asked. He has a lot of video games."


"Do you think he is spoiled?"


"Well, if he realized he is spoiled, I think he is not yet completely spoiled. A fully spoiled person takes everything for granted, and does not appreciate what he gets at all."


"Do you think you are spoiled?"

"Maybe." Again, this is Aidan's typical answer. 

"Compared to your peers, you are probably not spoiled because you didn't ask for too much. But compared to your parents, I think you are pretty spoiled because your life is unbelievably luxury compared to Mom and Dad's childhood. Much more comfortable and convenient, and you can access so much sources. Of course, compared to your grandparents, Mom and Dad were also spoiled. We never starved or had death threat as your grandparents had."


"So whether or not being spoiled is not just determined by how much we receive, but also depends on what we can afford."

"What we need and what we want, right?"

"Kind of. Sometimes we can 'spoil' ourselves a little, give ourselves a treat, if there is a reason, and if we can afford ..."

"How about you take care of us?"

"Mom and Dad love to take care of you."

"But not too much, right?"

"Right, not too much to make you lazy and lose the opportunity to grow up."

儿子不再问了,可是我还是在纠结 how much is too much 的问题。究竟什么是 Spoiled,我觉得还是没有点到要害。

吃过早饭一家人开车去滑雪,一个多小时的车程,我们总是在车里聊天,玩数字和拼写游戏。下周儿子学校的 Spelling Bee Team 开始集训,我随口问他老师提前发的准备材料看过了吗?

"Mom, why didn't you remind me earlier! You didn't help me!"

"Here you are --- this is so-called 'SPOILED'!"

机会来了,这正是我要找的关于 “spoiled” 的答案。
