Friday, December 26, 2014

来自北极的Santa Letter

    妹妹半年前旅行的时候丢了她心爱的茸茸狗,丢以前不觉得,丢了之后才发现自己有多么爱那狗狗。为此哭了很多次,直到想起也许Santa可以再送她一个一模一样的。从此充满希望地等待,认认真真地写信,还打印出照片来附上。这是小姑娘今年要求的唯一礼物。虽然妈妈已经给她打过预防针,Santa可能找不到一模一样的,可小姑娘深信不疑Santa不用找,他会让Elf 照着照片再做一个。Santa 真的找不到也做不出一模一样的,于是打算写封短信来(谢谢WJ的启发:-。给妹妹写了信,也得给哥哥一封不是?长短内容上也不能厚此薄彼,于是越写越多,就有了两封长信(信太长了,居然还有typo)!结果两个小人儿都分外喜欢今年的礼物和Santa的来信。Santa还是可以依靠的!

Dear Alivia,

I like the name “Amy” you gave to the Elf. She told me you are a very lovely girl. You like to help people and love to learn doing new things. You are very energetic and did both swimming and soccer in the summer. Wow!! She said sometimes you were a little stubborn and shy, but I know you will improve it soon when you are growing bigger.

I received your letter and really hope I could find the same doggie you lost. But that doggie is not a regular doggie. She is a unique one that was only for you. No exact copy exists. However, don't worry. I have her sister for you. Again, this one is unique for you with a loving heart inside. I will let you give her a name. I believe you will love her as much as your old one. Additionally I pick the other gift for you -- one of your favorite books. I'm glad you start enjoying reading. When you have trouble, this book will definitely help you. You will share the book with your brother too, right?

Wish you have a wonderful new year!


Dear Aidan,

Merry Christmas! I didn't receive your letter this year. What's up? Did you forget to send? I heard sometimes you forget things, but the Elf on the Shelf also told you made a looooot of progress this year, like millions words of reading, writing interesting family letters and book interview, scored 100 in Chinese Exam, received a Math award, got strait “4” in oral presentation, accepted by the GATE program, passed the first CM piano test, started helping Mom with the house chores, doing more physical exercises... Oh Gosh, too many to name them all. You deserve a good celebration for your achievement.  I picked two gifts for you and believe you will like them. Wish you have a wonderful new year and grow to be a more responsible boy. Don't forget to send me letter next year so you can tell me your progress by yourself!



        读完信,过了好一会儿 ...
        儿子:Santa居然也有computer 了?
        爸爸:自从有了Polar Express,Santa 什么没有啊?
        。。。   。。。

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