学中文认汉字既不像玩游戏看电视那么轻松,也不像踢球野营那么好玩,又没有像学 phonics 或是练钢琴那样有立竿见影的回报,自然是没有动力,再加上上学以后作业增加、日程安排得更紧,小朋友对学中文的热情日渐消退绝对是在意料之中。然而,近来人民群众抵触情绪的日渐升温,和平常蜻蜓点水、周末集中强化的政策有直接联系,这需要引起领导层的重视和反思。可新政策还没出台,这不,今天就已经冲突升级了。妈妈忍不住放了两句狠话,嗓门提了八度,把小朋友吼哭了,一下子场面紧张。老妈一气之下放下课本去做饭,也想借机冷静冷静。竖着耳朵听儿子有哭声减弱的意思,正想着一会儿回去和小人儿好好谈谈,再给个胡萝卜来安抚一下大棒,没想到儿子竟先把妈妈弄哭了。
话说泪眼婆娑的小人儿慢慢蹭到跟前,一边还吸着鼻子,一边可怜巴巴地抬头看着妈妈,你说我这心不已经软了半截儿了?于是蹲下来看着他,另一半没软的心还写在脸上。小朋友这边抽抽嗒嗒,眼里含着怯怯的泪水,那边没想到居然平生第一次向妈妈吐露了心声。这事儿要放别人身上可能不稀奇,但对我们这个平时极不善言辞的小朋友来说,真是一个奇迹。这可好,不说则已,一说,就把妈妈的眼泪说了下来,“Mom, I feel failure...”
瞬间,我的心不仅软透了,更是羞愧难当。面对一个如此柔软的生命,一颗如此单纯的心灵,我觉得自己简直就像一个以强凌弱的恶霸。搂着委屈的儿子,我不知道是我在安慰他,还是我在需要他的安慰。“You know, we are a team. If you failed, I failed too. I feel what you feel.” 我还想告诉他,我和你一样,也在学一门艰难的功课,这个学问叫作做你的妈妈。我们定然要一起成长。
You are lucky -- expressing how he feels is 100 times more valuable than learning some words.
My son is a genius in reading and memorizing anything except 中文. Tearful days when I was the teacher... till Zheng took over. First, text book change. A thick book of 经典小吃 hit his soft point. Last year the new text book was the playing cards of 三国杀. Once I was reading with him 撒哈拉的故事。 He sometimes can read 十四只老鼠 for 妹妹。The goal this year is for him to be able to read in Chinese then he can be really on his own. He's naturally attracted to the content of the books. BTW we surround them by tons of Chinese books. We try to lure them to the book by reading some pages and leave them there...
Same here. Aidan has a wonderful memory except Chinese.
Inspiring idea! Replace the regular textbooks with something fun. 经典小吃? You guys are so creative!:-) 撒哈拉的故事? Could a kid appreciate? 十四只老鼠, sounds like a good choice. Any other books to suggest? I need something with very basic level. Aidan is reading a book that is originally for moms to 6-12 month baby:-)
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