Monday, August 21, 2017

Journey Triology

        Journey 是网上一个妈妈推荐的无字儿童书,曾获2014年凯迪克图书奖。别看没有字,图也画得粗狂写意,但恰恰给了读者更丰富的想象空间和自我创作的可能,让孩子甚至成人都爱不释手。因为没有字,每个人都可以用他/她独特的视角为图画加上独特的理解、打造独特的细节、引申出独特的深意。书刚一借回来,儿子和女儿就争先恐后地各自用自己的语言讲了一遍这个故事给我听。显然两个人注重的角度不同,语言风格不同,加给主人公的心理活动也不同,真是越听越有趣,弄得我也边看边浮想联翩,忍不住写了一篇读书笔记。

后来去还书的时候才知道,原来这本书获奖之后,作者又连续出了两本续集 -- Quest Return。小姑娘和小男生因为彩色蜡笔开始的梦幻之旅继续延续,最后把因为忙碌而忽视了孩子的爸爸也卷了进来。历经波折磨难之后,小姑娘和爸爸重新建立了关系,一同回家,首尾呼应,是为情感的回归。

既然孩子们有兴趣,我立刻把 Quest Return 借回了家。既然他们喜欢这套书,喜欢照着书讲故事,我想不如把这当作一个练习写作的机会。孩子们欣然同意。本来说好两个人一人挑一本写,妹妹先挑了Quest,然后一根筋的哥哥说不写完前两本,他没法开始第三册。也好,一下写三篇,妈妈读得甘之如饴。 




孩子们写东西可能都不喜欢 proof-reading。据老师说,儿子改别人的文章都是一流的,但自己的文章是写完怎么也不愿意多看一遍,结果留了很多错别字和 typo 在那里,有的时候甚至让人不知所云,实在是一大遗憾。希望这样的练习可以让他们看到反复修改打磨文章的好处和乐趣,能够渐渐养成proof-reading的习惯。当然时间也是成本,deadline 是必须要遵守的,如何在完成和完美之间平衡,每人的个性可见一斑。

儿子女儿的习作,在这里留档,让他们过两年自己再来读读 :-)


Told by: Alivia Chen 

        On a rainy day Sophie and her friend Dave were on a bike ride. They stopped under a bridge because they saw a mysterious door. Out popped an old man who had an orange crayon, just like the red one in Sophie’s hand and the purple one in Dave’s hand. The man said, “Go find the other missing crayons”. He gave Sophie the orange crayon and a paper that showed them where to find the other crayons. Suddenly the guards captured the man and took him away. Dave and Sophie drew two keys and ran into the door. When they came to the end of the hallway they saw a huge castle. Dave looked at the paper and said, “Next we have to find the yellow crayon.” The yellow crayon was underwater, so Dave drew an octopus and Sophie drew all the scuba diving supplies.  The octopus led them where the yellow crayon was, so they took it and went back to shore. Next they went to get the green crayon. Dave drew a rhino to ride. The green crayon was on a super tall tower in the middle of the ocean. So they ran through the swing bridge, climbed onto the tower and took the green crayon. A group of guards ran after them so Dave drew a big dragonfly and Sophie drew a swing. Off they escaped from the guards and went to find the last crayon, the blue crayon. The blue crayon was on a snow mountain. Sophie gave Dave’s bird all the crayons and the bird flew across the sky making a rainbow. Everybody was happy except the guards who were chasing them all the way. They found out that the man they met earlier was the King of the castle. The King gave both of them crowns because they found all the crayons. After waving bye to the King, Sophie and Dave went back to where they started their quest and saw the rainbow they created.



        The bike had taken the trio for quite some distance, but it had started raining. The girl, the boy, and the magnificent flying creature decided to take shelter under a bridge in the park. Under the bridge was a door with a lantern shining upon it. Suddenly, an old sage came through the door. He quickly shushed them and held out a map with six colors on it. He told them that he had an orange marker just like theirs and that they needed to go find the three other markers. He also gave them a belt to carry the markers they had gathered. Just as suddenly as before, guards from the evil emperor took the old man back through the door. Just before the door closed, the old man threw his orange marker to the children and told them to save the Realm.  They needed to be in the Realm but the door was locked. So the girl and the boy each drew a key to unlock the door. 

When they reached the other side of the door, they found themselves right next to the palace. The guards had already started to enter the palace on a boat with other citizens who liked color. According to the map, the closest marker was the yellow one which was underwater. The emperor, who was searching for the trio, was getting close and had already spotted them. They both knew what to do; the girl drew scuba gear to travel underwater and the boy drew an octopus to protect them. They quickly put on their gear and dived deep down underwater with the octopus leading the way. The marker was in the center of a ginormous temple. The middle glowed brightly of yellow, undoubtedly caused by the marker. They quickly grabbed the marker and swam towards the surface of the water. The emperor followed them closely behind, but the army was no match for the trio.
            When the boy and the girl reached the surface, they found themselves near a tropical rainforest. They knew they were close to the green marker. But to travel through the thick brush, they needed to draw something strong and big, so the boy drew a rhino while the girl drew the saddle. They rode the rhino into some Mayan-looking village.  

Away from the village was the tallest pyramid with only a decaying, swaying bridge to reach it. They hopped off the rhino, ran across the bridge and grabbed the green marker. But the guards had already started running across the bridge towards them. They needed to draw something quickly. The boy drew a giant dragonfly, and the girl drew a swing just in the nick of time. The dragonfly was flying towards the frozen peaks, where the blue and final marker would be found.  

Up on the highest peak, there stood a monument, and on the very top of the monument was the blue marker. They took the marker, completing the collection of six markers. Unfortunately, they were flanked by blimps from the evil emperor. They were trying to capture the majestic creature which carried the belt of markers. As the majestic creature escaped, a rainbow was created. The rainbow returned all the colors to the world. 

A parade was held for the boy and the girl. They were heroes. When they were returning back to their world, the wise man drew two crowns for them proclaiming them king and queen of the Realm. The sage also said a few words of thankfulness and farewell. When they returned to the park, the raining had stopped and a rainbow was arching in the sky.



It had been several days since the discovery of the other four markers. The little girl had gone to the Realm many times ever since. Her dad was a cartoonist and was busy making his latest graphic novel. She decided she wanted to go to the Realm today, so she drew a door and left. Her dad saw her daughter’s kite, and it reminded him of how less time he had spent with her. He decided to look for her. When he arrived at her room, he found a wide open red door. When he walked in, it was like fairy tale. The forest glowed brightly of red from the lights and lanterns above. He saw her daughter’s ball on a dock and went towards it. When he picked up the ball, a mechanical, Viking-like boat came down the river. So the girl’s father hopped on. The boat came to the palace which glowed brightly in the moonlight.  

The river went through the palace and finally came to a stop in front of a throne. The girl, the boy, the boy’s marvelous creature, and the old man were waiting. The girl’s father called out to her, telling her to come back with him. She refused. After all, he had been ignoring her. Suddenly, the emperor, who was once banished, stomped towards them with a strange box in hand. He told his guards to attack. Luckily, the old sage drew an orange sword. He threatened the emperor and his guards, but the box that the emperor was holding absorbed the sword in his hand and the markers in his belt. Without hesitation, the guards captured the sage. 

The boy quickly drew a griffin, a lion with wings, and they flew away on it. The emperor got on his boat and flipped a lever. The lever activated wings on the boat and flew after the griffin. The emperor then sucked the griffin, leaving the boy, the girl, the magnificent creature in her arms, and her dad hanging in mid-air. Thankfully, the old man grabbed the boy by his hand, but the girl and her dad crashed into the ocean.  

With her quick thinking, she drew a submarine. All three of them then navigated their submarine into a cave. They looked at their surroundings and found pictures engraved on the wall. The pictures seemed to tell a prophecy - the story of the little girl and her friend, perhaps? Then, at the end she noticed the part where they were at. They observed it and noticed that not only did the girl have a marker, but so did her dad. Then, they heard the emperor and his men. Quickly and silently, the girl’s father, with his black marker drew a trap. The bait was the flying creature. After the emperor happily absorbed the bird using the box, the trap caged the emperor. The box was outside and the girl’s dad smashed it, releasing all the colorful creatures and colors that had been absorbed. All the creatures gained their freedom. The griffin carried the cage off into the distance.  

When the girl and her father were on their way back, the girl gave her dad a great big hug. Everything was forgiven, and when they returned to their world, the girl and her father finally flew a kite together.


Sunday, August 13, 2017



        开学前的一周,和妈妈一起洗干净书包,刷干净鞋;一起去学校领回来书本课表,运动服,照着单子买好文具;迫不及待地在网上查分班通知,兴奋地四处打探同班同学,任课老师... 和他们往年一样,和我们小时候也一模一样。


        虽说已经参观过校园,拿到课程表之后也一一巡视过教室、操场、音乐房、体育馆,但没有真正亲历过,心里肯定打鼓。开学头一天晚上,平时沾枕头就着的儿子躺在床上睡不着。没有翻来覆去,但妈妈去看了两次,他都一直瞪着眼在黑暗里安静地想心事。妈妈问他是太兴奋还是紧张?他说不是 nervous,也不是纯粹的 excited,是 anxious。嗯,错综复杂的心情,儿子的描述还是很准确的。



        其实,儿子从今年春天就开始体会中学的挑战。小学五年级末有初中数学分级考试,儿子很希望能进高级班,于是诚惶诚恐地去考试。等到考试结果出来,知道有资格选七年级半的课,爸爸妈妈让他自己决定要不要接受挑战,也把校长的“恐吓”给他转述了一下。结果儿子表示愿意以后每天做多出来的学校作业,也自己下定决心在暑假自学六年级数学。一个夏天,时不常地在 Khan Academy 上看看 video,在学校的网站上做做六年级课本里的小测验,心理上渐渐进入了六年级的频率。
