Monday, September 19, 2016



  • Costco 猪肉条(肥一点的好)4-5
  • 一头蒜打碎
  • 1/2 cup 酒,1/2 cup 酱油,1 cup Mr. Yoshida's Sweet&Savory Marinade Sauce, 4 大勺李锦记叉烧酱,一点点醋。
Mr. Yoshida's Original Gourmet Sweet and Savory Marinade and Cooking Sauce, 86 oz
  • zipbag里揉均匀,在冰箱里腌两天
  • 烤箱預熱400度,一面20min,翻面,刷腌汁,另一面20min,翻面,刷腌汁,boil 5min
  • 生菜垫底,切片摆盘,烤好的汁浇在上面。 

  • Costco羊腿肉一塊, 用盐, 黑胡椒抹遍
  • 用長刀在肉塊的不同部位戳5, 62-3厘米的口子,每個口子塞一瓣蒜进去 -- 这步童趣盎然, 可以让小朋友操作:-)
  • 锅內热油, 入肉块煎至表面稍黃, 熄火, 拿出稍涼, 滚上鲜的或干的rosemary 
  • 烤箱預热350
  • 锡箔纸将羊肉块整个包住, 入烤箱, 2个半小时
  • 拿出, 烤纸里烤出的汁倒一碗里, 羊肉块稍涼后切片, rosemary, 淋汁。




  • 菠菜洗净用开水加盐加几滴油烫2分钟,捞出用冷开水加冰过凉,再捞出沥干水。
  • 粉丝用开水煮1分钟,金针菇煮20秒,捞出用冷开水加冰过凉,再捞出沥干水。也可以用韩国凉粉,从冷水泡几遍,捞出沥干水。
  • 三个菜装盘。 把红油辣子、蒜米、花椒油、香油、生抽、香醋、白糖、盐、芝麻等装在一个碗里调好,淋在菠菜上就好了。


Costco Spring Mix Salad
Grape tomato, halved
Oranges, mandarin oranges, or apple slices
Dried cranberry or raisin
Nuts: sliced almonds, pecan or walnuts
Crumbled cooked bacon

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon plus 1-1/2 teaspoons honey (or sugar)
1 tablespoon vinegar (balsamic, apple cider, white …)
1/4 teaspoon salt (or garlic salt)
Fresh lemon juice
Fresh black pepper


Kitchen Aid 发面

All-purpose flour 5 cups
Water at room temperature 1.5 cups
Instant yeast power 2 tea spoon 1 package)
Sugar 1 tea spoon
Salt ½ tea spoon
Salad oil 1 table spoon
  • Mix 4.5 cups of flour, 1.5 cups of water, yeast, sugar and salt in the Kitchen Aid mixer, mix at low speed and then high speed.
  • Cover the mixing bowl and allow 2-3 hours for the dough to rise.
  • Add another 1/2 cup flour for the second mix.
  • Add cooking oil for the third mix.
  • Make the products and let it fully rise in the steam pot (about 30 min).
  • Steam with cold water to start.


Home-made Guacamole

2 avocados, 1/4 red onion, a small bunch of cilantro, 1 tomato, 1/2 lime

    - Finely chop all ingredients above (except for lime), put in a big bowl
    - Squeeze lime juice into the bowl
    - Cut avocado in half, remove kernel, scoop out the meat
    - Add 1tbsp of olive oil, some ground pepper, 1 tsp of sugar
    - Use a big metal spoon to mash and mix the ingredients
    - Add salt to taste
    - Cover with food wrap, set in refrigerator to chill before serving

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