Aidan and Alivia started playing this game recently. Not sure where they learned from and if this is its orginial version. But pretty funny and educatinal. They enjoy playing with Mommy too:-)
A: Knock, knock...
B: Who is there?
A: Tree!
B: Tree who?
A: Treehouse!
A: Knock, knock ...
B: Who is there?
A: Cheese!
B: Cheese who?
A: Cheesecake!
B: Knock, knock...
A: Who is there?
B: Star!
A: Star who?
B: Starlight!
A: Knock, knock...
B: Who is there?
A: Star!
B: Star who?
A: Starfish!
... ... The game can go on and on and on for quite a while. Perfect for killing time in the car.
PS: kids humors are silly and funny, but sometimes also pretty smart!
"Do you know why sky is not happy?
Because sky is BLUE!" :-)
"Do you know why 9 hates 7?
Because 789!
Becuase 7 "ATE" 9!" :-)
"Where do fish save their money?
"Which city has no people inside?
Which city?
"What is a deer without an eye?
No idea.
You are right!
Yeah, it's --- NO EYE-DEER!" :-)
"What's the difference between a chew-chew train and a teacher?
The train says 'CHEW-- CHEW--'
but the teacher says 'don't CHEW---- your gum!'" :-)
Hahaha. Funny when you post it but here they are driving me insane.
Too confusing? Sometimes I thought my writing makes sense but actually does not:-(
Sorry it might be MY writing confusing. I mean my kids are doing these jokes too. The jokes may be funny, at least to them. What kills me is that they enjoy repeating it and they need attention(and laugh) when you hear the same thing for the 100th time.
Hmm, exactly! Before, I don't understand why kids can laugh for a same joke over and over. Now I know it's the same reason that kids gain happiness much more easily than adults, even from a tiny small thing/gift. Physiologically, it's all about dopamine -- when we grows up, the dopamine level in our body gratually drops, so the simple jokes cannot trigger us but drive us crazy:-)
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