孩子大了,自己会找乐子。万圣节周末,儿子和 CalSol 的朋友一起去 Party,买了白床单,挖两个眼睛洞扮 ghost。妹妹每年都有自己的点子,穿得可可爱爱地去上学。看着他们开心,我也为他们开心。
自从妹妹拿到驾照,训练活动都是她自去自回。最后一次 biking 训练,特意送妹妹去一次,想着正好带 Echo 去旁边的公园和另外几只边牧玩儿。可惜这天公园草地在维护,没有遇见玩伴,只好牵着 Echo 走走,闻闻新鲜的地方。只有 Echo 还需要我,也为我和 Echo 开心。
游泳的时候,有时候会进入一种冥想的状态。这种状态很棒,会让漫长的距离不知不觉地过去。曾经觉得无比艰难,以为永远都学不会的自由泳,现在终于可以进入和蛙泳一样“一直游下去”的状态。今天想了很多,想到了儿子,于是出水后洗过澡第一时间坐在更衣室的长凳上记下自己的想法,分享给儿子。晚上回家又整理了一下,给他发了个 Email。希望我的这些领悟可以启发他鼓励他。
OK, here comes the full version. What I wrote isn’t polished or perfectly crafted English, and I admit that I didn’t put much effort into editing it. But I think it serves the purpose in this case. When I was writing, it didn’t flow smoothly from start to finish either, as I had multiple thoughts in my mind and simply wrote down whatever came to me, jumping between topics.
Anyway, looking back, these experiences have helped me, and I think they might be useful for you too.
1. To swim or not to swim, that is the question!
This morning, I planned to swim after work. But after taking Echo for her vaccine, I felt a bit tired, it was getting late, and I still had work to finish. I started debating whether I should go. I didn’t think I would be able to complete the report by 5 p.m. After hesitating a while, finally I decided, “Screw it! Let’s pretend the deadline is in 30 minutes, rush through it, and see what happens.” So, I dove into the report with a less “thoughtful” approach than I’d had earlier. My heart even started pounding a bit. Eventually, I finished it in 40 minutes—longer than planned, but good enough to make myself to the pool. I was happy and the little hesitation and tiredness occurred earlier was gone by the time I sent out the email. I jumped up, changed clothes, ran out of door and had a happy swim.
2. Forget about swimming, the bottom line is to float
While I was swimming, my mind drifted back to two years ago when I was struggling with freestyle. I tried so hard to keep my body aligned, coordinate my stroke, kicks, and breathing, count my strokes, get enough air, and avoid sinking. I could barely swim more than one lap without feeling exhausted. One day, I suddenly decided to “let go”; whatever, I said to myself, my only goal was to stay afloat and not sink. As soon as I relaxed my body and neck, something amazing happened—I could rotate my body and breathe more naturally. Gradually, I was able to swim longer and faster. Now I can swim 1000 meters without stopping. I’m still not fast, but definitely more quickly than two years ago. I’d like to improve my speed, but I learned to be patient. As long as I keep swimming, doing drills, building muscle, and maybe trying some new techniques, I believe I’ll get better over time.
3. One extra lap
I usually set a small goal at each swim, like warming up and doing drills for 1000 meters, then continuous freestyle for 400 or 500 meters. Although I’m capable of doing 800 or even 1000 meters continuously, I don’t push myself too hard every time. But if I feel okay at the end, I like to add one or two extra laps. This little bit of extra effort makes me feel like I’m an overachiever, but I don’t feel guilty if I’m truly tired and decide to skip.
4. One more thing
You mentioned feeling guilty about being “just a good test taker,” but between you and Alivia, I think Alivia might be the better test taker! From what I’ve seen, you seem to know more than what standardized exams measure, yet you rarely reached your highest practice scores on the actual test.
Let me ask you: when you study, do you pay attention to what teachers emphasize for exams and practice test-taking strategies? Or are you more curious about broader topics, trying to understand the whole story? If it’s the latter, then I wouldn’t say you have strong test-taking skills—instead, you have curiosity, intelligence, and potential.
While you can certainly work on test preparation, and maybe you should sometimes, I’d be happier to see you dive deeper into topics that truly interest you. The library, YouTube, and the scholars, experts, and professors around you are some of your best resources. Ask questions, seek answers, and share your thoughts and discoveries. I think you’ll find a real sense of accomplishment that way.
Ok, that’s a lot for today. It took me hours to write down the 35min thoughts generated in water 🤪 I’ll save the rest for later.
Good night. I love you ❤️
老兵节,儿子考完 midterm,终于说想回家了。两个多月没回来,中间爸爸妈妈还见了儿子两次,妹妹是真想哥哥了。全家人一起踏秋,边走边聊,8 迈居然感觉一眨眼就走完了。大选结果刚刚出来,两个激进的左翼青年很是受伤。尤其是儿子,人生第一次vote,没有胜选,而胜出的是 Trump,让他对未来充满悲观。一路边走边宣泄,说到自己,说到更加愤怒绝望的同学,甚至到了痛哭流涕的程度。幸好 hiking 结束的时候,听妈妈的话及时终结了国家大事的讨论。还是家长里短,人间烟火更安抚人心。
回家的 comforting food 少不了火锅,还有从小就喜欢的韭菜盒子。世事起伏,但大自然里永远有我们疏解的天地,家是我们永远的港湾。
儿子讲起了今天赶火车的惊险经历!本来因为有了前两次的经验,感觉一切应该按部就班,可是到了 bus 站才发现这个站今天不停车,于是急忙走到下一站,希望能赶上 bus,否则就赶不上火车了。心惊胆战坐上 bus,时间已经有点紧了,于是小伙子脑子一热,决定在比以往的后一站下车,也许离站台会更近一点,但不成想车一下子开过了立交桥。这下可远了去了,而且立交桥上也没有好的人行道可以走。背着大包,拎着乐器的儿子,一路狂奔,不惜违规跳过隔栏,最后终于在车启动前的最后一秒跳上列车,还辛亏是列车员听见了他的大叫,帮他多逗留了几秒。
感恩节和好朋友相聚,大家从各个学校回来,UCB, Stanford, UCR,还有从东部的音乐学院回来的,各种话题,各种嗨,吃完饭还开车一起去登高远望。五个高高大大的男孩子们在屋里晃动,真是看着开心。珍惜这样的美好时光吧!