Echo 一岁的生日,全家人都惦记着。本来的计划是叫上青梅竹马和好朋友们一起去玩水疯跑,狗狗家长们也可以趁机出来聚聚一起边走边聊,不曾想附近肆虐的森林大火带来的滚滚浓烟让所有室外活动都一下子变为不可能。今天 AQI 飙到史上最高,显示是最高值500,实际大概有 550 以上,真的爆表了!大火扑不灭而且还在蔓延,已经离家30-40迈了!
另一个计划是带 Echo 去 Starbucks 吃向往已久的 Puppuccino!据说这是 Starbucks 最 popular 的 “secret menu” item! 其实就是 whipped cream in an espresso cup,但是对狗狗来说,就是狗间美味!可是等开车到门口,才发现两家店都因为空气质量太差暂停营业了☹️
幸好还有妈妈给准备的蛋糕。综合了网上各种 recipe,妈妈亲下厨出品一个私房版。
2 tbs creamy peanut butter
- 4 tbs plain yogurt
- 1/2 cup oat flour(rolled oats + food processer)
- Splash of water
- coconut oil for coating
- Mix peanut butter, water, and yogurt until smooth and thick
- Gradually blend in oat flour
- Pour mixture into oil coated muffin tins or ramekins
- Freeze the cake until solid. Pop out from the container and thaw it briefly before serving.
- Decorate with dog food, plain yogurt blueberry and cheese(optional)
无论孩子还是狗狗,都长得飞快。Echo 刚来家的时候我还不太敢和她亲近,现在想来错过了她最软萌呆萌的时候,好生遗憾。转眼她一岁了,就是小孩子七岁的年纪了,可爱当然仍是可爱,而且也越来越少闯祸惹麻烦,但毕竟还是不一样了。老公安慰我说,别伤心,以后再给你领养一只小 puppy,我还管 potty training... That is super sweet, but no experience can be duplicated, as “no man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”
Happy Birthday, Echo!
Happy Life and Happy Family, to us!